TrinaTracker has widespread compatibility with most major PV modules. However, unlike other module original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), Trina Solar is the only module OEM that also makes a reliable, high-quality solar tracker. Combined with TrinaPro, customers receive an all-in-one smart energy solution from a fully bankable partner.

Vanguard 2P
SuperTrack smart controls
TrinaSmart cloud

Tracker projects in 40 countries

to design engineering to installation
Operations & maintenance services
Global Smart Tracker Solutions Provider
◆ TrinaTracker develops high-tech, intelligent and tailor-made tracker solutions that when they are integrately implemented create strong synergies that lead to energy production maximization and cost reduction in a solar PV plant.
◆ TrinaTracker manufacturers, designs and deploys tracking systems that integrate smart tracking and monitoring solutions, while providing best-in-class services that go from project optimization consultancy to installation, commissioning, O&M and after sales services.
◆ The company has a customer-focus mindset which prioritizes the achievement of the lowest energy cost for its clients.
◆ TrinaTracker has nearly two decades of experience and projects implemented projects in more than 40 countries.
Global Technology Pioneer
◆ TrinaTracker has two Research, Development and Innovation hubs located in Changzhou, China, and Viana, Spain
◆ +60 civil and mechanical engineers specialized in solar structures
◆ +70 patents registered
◆ Components are tested in indoor laboratories
◆ Coordinated decision making
◆ Real-size trackers are installed in extensive fields to evaluate and assess their performance
◆ Testing and manufacturing areas are located in the same facilities
Smart Manufacturing
◆ TrinaTracker has two manufacturing centers located in Changzhou, China and Viana, Spain
◆ The company has a productions capacity of 8 GW
◆ EN 1090 and ISO 3834-2 factory certifications issued by SGS
◆ Smart production processes
◆ Coordinated decision making
◆ Intelligent applications
◆ Integrated planning collaboration
◆ Strict quality control internal standards
A TrinaTracker oferece ampla compatibilidade com a maioria dos principais módulos fotovoltaicos do mercado. Diferentemente de outros fabricantes de módulos, a Trina Solar é a única empresa que também fabrica rastreadores solares confiáveis e de alta qualidade. Com o portfólio completo de produtos da Trina Solar, os clientes têm à disposição uma solução integrada de energia solar inteligente, que abrange módulos, rastreadores e armazenamento, garantindo desempenho otimizado e um serviço simplificado.

Com esta tecnologia avançada adaptada às condições específicas de cada local, podemos aumentar a geração de energia em até 8% em comparação com os métodos convencionais.

Com esta tecnologia avançada adaptada às condições específicas de cada local, podemos aumentar a geração de energia em até 8% em comparação com os métodos convencionais.

as expectativas dos nossos clientes em todos os momentos.

as expectativas dos nossos clientes em todos os momentos.